4 Crucial Reasons Not To Fill In The 'Is He The Right Boyfriend' Quiz

With the advent of the internet, there are many quizzes now online that say that they can help you know where your relationship is going. They offer a way of analyzing your relationship with your boyfriend and whether he is the one for you. However, I would ask you one question, "How do they know you or your guy and what your relationship is really like?" They cannot possibly know who you are and what you are like together, and that is why there are at least 4 crucial reasons not to fill in the 'Is He the Right Boyfriend' Quiz!

They are not personal - These quizzes cannot be personal as they would have to know you and everyone else tempted to fill them in and that is just not possible. Because they cannot give you individual insight into your relationship and what your boyfriend is like, the value of filling one out would be questionable at best and at worst no value at all!

They cannot take into account the important factors - Love tests available online and offline do not take into consideration what is truly important in a relationship and what is more important what is relevant to you and your boyfriend. It cannot advise you on what you deem to be important in the person you want to spend the majority of your life with. Relying on a test or quiz to give you advice on matters where clearly they won't have all the answers is going to be a danger to your relationship.

They ignore your evaluation and intuition - One of the reasons people fill these quizzes or tests in is because they are feeling insecure about their ability to make a good choice and decisions. You may be looking for confirmation that you have made a good choice and when the test comes up with a different answer then it creates doubts and gets you to ignore what you do know in favor of an unreliable source of advice. You could then ignore your intuition and make a decision that you will regret. Nine times out of ten your intuition will be right for you.

They may be written by someone who is not an expert in relationship matters - It is worth checking out the experience of the writer of the quiz before giving it any credibility. Your relationship is worth more than just taking anybody's advice on it, so check out the expertise of the originator of any test or quiz to do with relationships.

If you do need advice on your relationship, you are better off to seek a professional counselor and work with them individually so that the information you get is relevant to you and your boyfriend and if you want some tips about the kind of guy you are looking for, start with asking yourself that question, and writing down those characteristics and then watching your guy for evidence of these. Remember, though, to be aware of what kind of girl will attract the guy you are looking for, too...

These types of tests and quizzes are generic at best and may give you some food for thought if put out by someone who has genuine experience, but as far as being able to give you relevant advice about your boyfriend and relationship, they are not to be relied on.

You would gain greater insight in talking with your family and friends even though they may not be relationship experts, they will have had some experiences that they have been through.

Sometimes your family and friends looking in on your relationship can see things about your boyfriend that you cannot see and asking them about it can give you insight as to whether you should take things to the next level or not.

If you are really struggling with the question 'Is he the right boyfriend for me,' then the mere fact that you hesitate may be your answer, if you are not sure then perhaps he is not the one for you.


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